Due to the complex nature and customization ability within WIS:dom®, to request a quote for licensing please email [email protected]. We will respond as quickly as possible to discuss your needs and provide a bespoke quote for licensing WIS:dom®. The Target variant of the model is based upon the Planning model core, with its technical model documentation found here: WIS:dom®-P technical documentation. Documentation on the weather-driven datasets can be found here: VCE® weather-driven dataset documentation.
The WIS:dom® (Weather-Informed energy Systems: for design, operations and markets) optimization target model is the state-of-the-art electricity model developed by Vibrant Clean Energy, LLC (VCE®). It takes granular wind, solar, and dispatch data to optimize the replacement of legacy (or proposed) fossil generation with wind, solar and storage within the local area.
WIS:dom®-T simultaneously co-optimizes the wind, solar, storage and fossil dispatch with market inputs and constraints on transmission interconnection, reliability, and capacity. The model has multiple objective options to search against, for example it can minimizing cost, maximizing profit, maximize VRE share with similar cost to legacy plant, fully replace plant with similar dispatch characteristics and more.
The model relies on publicly available data where possible, and contains default values for generators, transmission, storage, production cost and resource siting. These can be adjusted by the user in the software interface.