
Our solutions to your problems

WIS:dom®-P (Planning Model)

The flagship software product of VCE® for finding the lowest cost market solution for entire energy systems.

WIS:dom®-T (Target Model)

Software optimization platform that replaces and/or replicates the power output from fossil power plants with wind, solar and storage locally.

WIS:dom®-B (Baseload Model)

Open source software for optimizing wind, solar and storage to produce a constant “baseload” power output for every county in the Contiguous United States.

WIS:dom®-D (SCED Model)

This variant of the model allows optimized systems to be operated over multiple years with varying climatological conditions.

Resource Datasets

High-resolution (spatially and temporally) for wind, solar and grid topology. Historical, climate and reanalysis data.

Wind and Solar Forecasting

The VCE® novel solution to ever increasing forecasting costs using operational High Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR).